
So who am I?

So who am I? And why does it matter?

Its all about the context. Most of the articles and content on this site will be an exploration of an idea, or a technology, or an approach to a problem. In this modern age of 'everyone being an expert' I think its important to establish credentials, and build a position of trust. 

In this way, you know where I'm coming from, and that there's actual real world experience behind the topics here.

On a personal level, I'm a long time D&D playing, Comic collecting home automation junkie. There's nothing more enjoyable than coming up with bite sized tech enhancements, or building apps or sites to assist in self interest tasks. I enjoy unravelling new technology puzzles, documenting them and teaching them to others.

So come and get to know me a little more, via articles I'm dropping on this blog.

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Yellow umbrella in a crowd of black umbrellas
Adobe Logo

Please note, whilst I am employee of Adobe, the views and opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. 

What I Do

Building apps

I've spent several years driving a technology career. Starting with Coding, then moving into Architecture, it fits my overall outlook in life. I love puzzles and languages and building apps and sites is a just another puzzle!

Demystifying Technology

I love designing solutions. Unravelling what a business is looking to accomplish, deep diving into what their vision for transformation is, and extending it into the art of the possible is extremely fulfilling. 

Governance & Assurance

The TOGAF architecture stuff! But in the real world, so applicable Architecture Governance and Assurance. Building and deploying frameworks, Governance across Enterprise change and assurance across project designs. I eat that stuff for breakfast.


Completed Projects

Speaker sessions & Webinars
Built out
amazing teams
Worked with Major Brands
Industry Examples

High volume, Real time multi-channel messaging capabilities to enable use cases for anti fraud, balance alerts and internet banking authentication.


Financial services 

Real time messaging

Deep integration of marketing orchestration technology into fulfilment, billing and CRM solutions, driving a single source of marketing communications.

Telecoms industry Marketing Transformation  

Retail Customer Journey's with defined checkout funnels, identified goals and dropped basket functionality to target interest sales opportunities.

Retail industry  Sales Journey uplift